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Specially designed rings apply pressure in just the right amount and to just the right spots to help you lose weight. Based upon the Chinese Principle of Acupressure. Designed by Dr. Zhong Yao Gao of Beijing, China. Shipped with complete instructions and Illustrations to help you properly place them on the correct finger(s). Men or Women. One size fits all. Order Item # HL-AP100X by design(A-B-or C). Each pc $6.00 OR order all 3 designs for $15. Can be used in multiples to increase effect on different parts of the body.

Specially designed earrings can be worn by Men or Women to assist in overcoming various ailments including insomnia, seasickness, alcohol and nicotine addiction, and many other problems. Based upon the Ancient Chinese Principle of Acupressure. Design Copyright Dr. Wong Zhen Lee of Shanghai, China. Each Earring also has a magnet in it to increase blood circulation, reducing tiredness and increasing awareness. Comes with complete instructions. Per pair: $10, OR One of Each for $15. Order# HL-MEG1, Style A,B or Both.

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