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Hyacinth Bicones, 9mm from DS Swarovski. AB to boot, but the rarer GOLD AB, not the rainbow one. Sold in lots of 6 for $24, brilliant! Limit 2 lots. BDVN1141.

Strange MONTANA beads are not round, they have an extra row of facets on them. Note the profile, you can see it clearly there. These measure, more or less, 6mm and are sold in lots of 12 for $18, 2 lots for $30. BDVN6657.

Walnut bicones, we have these in 12mm, 10mm Sold as follows:

  • 12mm are sold in lots of 6 pcs for $21, Order BDVN6528
  • 10mm are sold in lots of 6 pcs for $15, Order BDVN6338.
  • Notice how the shape of the bead, even though the same color, appears to change the tone.

    Turquoise 5mm bicones. Sold in lots of 24pcs for $18. Offer may be terminated as stock dwindles, and you won't know about it until it is too late. So order now. Order number BDVN6372.

    Same item in 7mm is sold in lots of 12 pcs for $10.50. Order number BDVN6525.

    Almost the same item as above, however this is blue opal dark. The finish is in antiqued silver, as opposed to gold on the light version, otherwise it is about the same except of course it is darker, see? This too is 4mm and it is sold in lots of 18pcs for $13.50. Order Item #BD-VN6198.

    Article 199 in 5mm, vitrail LIGHT. This one therefore is not around. It IS round, but not Around. But it is here for a short time. The color reflection from these beads cannot be described in human terms relative to human thought. They evoke a sense of presence not withstanding that felt by the ancients when they believed they were in the presence of the gods. On the other hand, maybe they were just drunk. Perhaps we will never know. Reach a new state of Nirvana with this bead. Sold in lots of 12 for $15. BDVN6369.

    Rose AB, again from Swarovski circa 1948. 10mm Rounds. Sold in lots of 6 for $18. BDVN1142.

    Remember, it is easier to get forgiveness than to get permission!-----Thus advises the King

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