There are 12 items on this catalog page.


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Colors discontinued many years ago. Finishes that proved to be too expensive for the mass market of the day.
All in Limited Supply. Very limited.

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The second format in Steel is a 4mm bicone, shown here. It is sold in lots of 24pcs for $15. Order# BDVN6651.

Sun AB, jumps right out at you, doesn't it? Even more so in your hand than on the screen. Long gone but especially the large ones such as these 12mm.

This item is a rarity. Sold in lots of 6pcs for $27. Order Item# BDVN6059.

A very very few exist in 14mm also.
This item is a rarity. Lot of 6 $39. Order BDVN6059X.

Another nailhead style, the color was Desert and they are 6mm, sold in lots of 12pcs for $10.50. Goes very well with the Sun, don't you think? Desert...Sun...there is something in this. Order# BD-VN6070.

Garnet flavored nailheads, arrow points to one of the beads that can be seen clearly. NOW do you see it? Good. These are 5mm and are sold in lots of 18pcs for $12. Imagine, your very own set of garnet flavored nailheads for less than it cost to buy a $13 bill!!! Computer will take discount. Order# BD-VN6071.

Crystal AB, nailhead. The color jumps all over the place with this one! You can easily see the hole runs dead center through the middle of the bead. 12mm, sold in lots of 6 pcs for $24 Order# BD-VN6060.

Called Sunbright and originally made for Monet in 1956, they seem to have a minor AB finish on them although nothing about that is mentioned in the notes that accompanied these. They measure 6mm,, article 199, and are sold in lots of 12 pcs for $18 Order# BDVN6553.

Oval AB Emerald green facetted, long time no see. Discontinued many years ago and very difficult to locate today. These are 10.5X7mm. Sold in lots of 6 for $30.00, Order# BDVN6065.

Also available in 7.5x5mm at the price of 6pcs for $21, Order #BDVN6549 The larger size is the rarest of the two.

Garnet 6mm mushrooms, facetted, D Swarovski, 1952. Great as spacers or stand-alones, discontinued and uncommon to be sure, these garnet beads will add class to any red family things you design. Right nice price, too! Sold in lots of 12pcs for $9 Order# BD-VN6063.

Get them also in 5mm same item a little smaller. D Swarovski, 1952. Sold in lots of 12pcs for $7.00 Order# BDVN6404.

Round SCARABEE article 199 in 5mm, oldie but goodie. Gee, I just made that up! Catchy huh? Very old bead, shows the rainbow better in hand than on this page, that is for sure. Class all the way. Sold in lots of 12 pcs for $15.50 Order# BD6373.

7mm Chrysolite "nailheads", rare size and configuration. Sold in lots of 12 for $10.50, original Swarovski of course! Quantities Restricted. Order# BD-VN6067.

8mm Chrysolite "nailheads", slightly bigger, sold in lots of 12 for $12, original Swarovski too! Order# BD-VN6390.

8mm Chrysolite AB "nailheads", a rare bead in AB, made in 1955 by Swarovski. Sold in lots of 12pcs for $18 Order# BD-VN6066.

Little Swarovski AB earring drops, can use in the front of the necklace too, yes you can. These have the hole running from side-to-side, or East to West as it were, or from this side to that side, pray tell. I have three colors. So I am just offering thesefor your esteemed perusal at this juncture in the grand scheme of things. Each has it's own style number pertaining to color. They measure approximately 8.2mm as measured with the Mitutoyo Electronic Micrometer, which, by the way, is used to measure all things on this site and is accurate in any direction down to 0.001mm. Sold in lots of 12pcs. for $18.OR you can get 6 of a color by splitting the dozen with a friend.

If you Think There is Good in Everybody, you Haven't met Everybody!
---so notes the King

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