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These are the rarest of the rare.
Hyacinth AB in 8mm article 42!! Can you guess the new number? No peeking now.....Sold in lots of 12 pcs for $24, it is longtime out of the lineup. A few packages for sale, well actually two remain. A package is a full gross and sells for $298. Order # BDVN6540.
Morion is the name of the color, personally I think old Swarovski could have come up with a better name. When I was in grade school there were two brothers that were not the sharpest tools in the shed, we called them "Idion" and "Morion". Ironically, a movie was made about those two, it was called Dumb and Dumber. Well, Swarovski was a foreigner so we will just have to forgive them on this one. It is a cross between Black Diamond and Montana, a sort of greyish bluish concoction. This is Morion. These are 14mm, we have 12mm also. The 14mm is sold in lots of 12 for $24 and the 12mm is sold in lots of 12 for $18. Order #BDVN6269 for 14mm and #BDVN6268 for 12mm.
Apple green, but darker. Soon this will go the way of the cherries and be only available in the corners of your memory. Margaritas this size are fast becoming it is your move. Sold in lots of 12 for $24. At this price, anyone who doesn't buy this is not serious about margaritas. And so it shall be written across all the land: "(fill in your name here) was not serious about margaritas, yea verily." 14mm Order# BDVN6267.
Straight topaz in a mini margarita. Note that the hole runs across the top third of the bead, making this ideal to drop from a necklace for the drop off look. These measure 6mm and are sold in lots of 24 pcs for $18. Order# BDVN6535.
If I say "Cardinal" what do you think of? A red bird, a guy with a big hat, right? Wrong, according to D Swarovski. Cardinal is an old purple color, this is a cardinal bead. Article 349, Cardinal . It is a very deep yet lucid purple, and we all know that foregoing amethyst, which is nothing like this, purple is a tough one in the old Swaro lineup. 12mm. Sold in lots of 6 pcs for $42. A very rare bead. Order # BDVN6148.
Another Gem
Montana, article 349, in10mm. Everyone likes Montana , something regal about it. Sold in lots of 6pcs for $22.50. Order # BDVN6149.
Made in 1952 by Swarovski, this was the original color of the mother of all the Topaz, known as "Topaz". When Smolen P. Rutherman first found this color in the line up, limited in it's day, he became enamored of it and when told it was in limited production, he became enraged. This one is 14mm in size, Smolen was somewhat bigger. Hanging around the distributors of the day, Smolen mysteriously claimed to have some glandular disease and each day became more and more swollen until one day he was seen trotting across a field, swollen beyond imagination. Curiously, a large number of 14mm Topaz, of limited production, disappeared that day and it was said that Smolen was not really swollen, but in fact had stolen the beads. When the local constable was advised of the suspicions of the many, he simply replied "Smolen is too swolen to have stolen anything, now I am going bowlin', so don't bother me again". It is just a rumor of course, but each bead does have a history. This one is sold in lots of 6pcs for $22.50. Dare I say "a steal"? Free bag with every purchase. Item # BDSVN6155.
Siam AB, the full name was "Siam Ruby" and here they are in article 5101, 12mm. The AB shows quite well in this photo, the siam ruby color as well. Big difference twixt one side and the other, think ye agree? This is a very rare bead, very rare, we have precious few of anything in Siam but fancies, well this may be it. These are sold in lots of 6 pcs for $45.00. A full package holds 48 pcs and one is available for $370. Order# BDVN6514.
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